Author Marketing & Platform Building

I would love to tell you that none of it’s true…that you don’t need a platform or a marketing and publicity plan, but my mama told me not to lie, so….

Here’s the thing…regardless of whether you want to self publish or go traditional, you have to have a platform. You have to have an audience. Unless you’re super famous or just have the most amazing story known to man (and even that might not cut it these days), you’re going to have to show up with a following to sell yourself to a publisher and / or to sell books.

Thankfully, none of those things have to take up too much of your time (because what writer wants to waste their time with engagement and marketing?); the platform building plan and the author marketing and publicity package are both created to save you as much time for your writing as possible while also allowing for maximum meaningful audience engagement.

Platform Building Plan

  • Creates an author platform on social media outlets most-often used by your audience

  • Develops content for daily outreach and engagement

  • Creates an author e-mail newsletter to be distributed biweekly

  • Develops contests, surveys, and other engagement opportunities for the audience

  • Builds the author’s website (if one does not already exist)

Marketing & Publicity Package

  • Creates a press release for the upcoming book launch

  • Creates a publicity package to send to bookstores for the upcoming book launch

  • Sets up a virtual launch party for the book launch

  • Obtains pre-press reviews for the marketing & publicity package